Lealta TARTUFI 意大利手作 (5%)純素食 黑松露醬500克g

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馬素尼​意大利馬素尼黑松露醬,Marini Azzolini,大街市,AMHK mall,松露世家,5% 意大利Brothers,黑松露醬500克

✅The Truffle Sauce is the best known and best-selling truffle product.
✅Tasty and easy to use. Excellent to use as a condiment for croutons, first courses, main courses of meat and fish.
✅All our sauces are created in our laboratory, using only local and 100% Italian products.
Ingredients: Cultivated mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus), sunflower oil, salt potato flour, summer truffle 5% (Tuber Aestivum) parsley, garlic, aroma truffle 0.2%. Acidty regulator: lactic acid. Dyes: E153. Natural aroma.

How to use:
It is advisable to heat before use in a saucepan with the addition of extra virgin olive oil or butter. The sauce is excellent for delicious appetizers, first courses, fillings, main courses based on meat🥩eggs🥚, fish, and even on pizza.


成份:栽培蘑菇(雙孢蘑菇),葵花籽油,鹽馬鈴薯粉,夏季松露5%(Tuber Aestivum)歐芹,大蒜,松露5%。 酸度調節劑:乳酸。 染料:E153。 自然的香氣。
建議在鍋中加熱之前,先加入初榨橄欖油或黃油。 醬料非常適合於美味的開胃菜,第一道菜,餡料,以肉🥩蛋🥚魚甚至比薩為基礎的主菜。


1. 此為原裝進口產品。
2. 品牌產品於各地區使用之配方有所不同,平行進口產品批次從各國出口,產品外形、包裝、氣味、質地等或有不一,此屬正常現象,保證正貨。
3. 個別產品地區或包裝版本均隨機發貨,不提供版本退換。
4. 日本及外國藥妝品牌大多不設生產日期或到期日,請細心考慮才購買。
5. 切勿放置於兒童可觸及之處 。
6. 不慎進入眼睛,請用清水沖洗,若發生異常,請立即停止使用及向醫生諮詢。
7. 使用時,如果出現紅腫,腫脹,瘙癢或刺激等異常,請停止使用並諮詢皮膚科醫生。
8. 圖片只供參考,一切以實物為準。
9. 產品詳情請參閱包裝上說明。
10. 產品均附加氣泡紙或外盒包裝作保護,惟運輪過程仍有機會導致產品外盒/包裝出現輕微破損/不完整,並不影響產品品質。
11. 所有貨品均為全新產品。
12. 部份品牌在不同國家均設有生產線,產品批次不同,生產地或有不同,一切以實物為準。
13. 個別產品只印有生產日期及保存期,而非到期日,請參閱包裝上說明。
14. 基於衛生原因,貨品不接受退換。
15. 個別產品因其使用成份或出現沉澱或結晶情況乃正常現象、不是損壞或過期,有關情況不影響產品品質。用家使用前可嘗試拌勻再使用。
16. 如有任何爭議,本店保留最終決定權。

Once the package has been📤 opened, cover with extra virgin olive oil and place in the fridge❄️.

1. This is parallel-imported goods.
2. A brand may adjust its product formula/ packaging/ odor/ texture/ etc. for the best performance among different region or countries. Therefore, parallel-imported goods may have differences in packaging/ language/ texture/ odor from local stores or from batch to batch. And our products remains genuine.
3. Product packaging or origin of manufactured versions are shipped randomly. No version exchange or refund will be given.
4. Products have no expiry dates or date of manufactured is a normal practice to foreign brand / Japanese brand items. Think before your purchase.
5. Keep away from children reach.
6. Please wash with running water at once if content gets into eyes. Go and seek for doctors’ advice if irritation or unwell situation remains.
7. Stop using the product and seek for professional advice from doctors if any irritation or allergic symptom occurs.
8. Product photos for reference only. Please refer to actual product.
9. For details, please refer to the product.
10. Addition bubble wrapping or outer box will be added for protection purpose. Still, slight chance of damage / incompletion of product packaging may result during delivery. This will not affect the product content quality.
11. Products are new. No second-hand products are sold.
12. Base on different batches of products, the product origin may be different. Please refer to the actual product.
13. Some products may contains date of manufactured and/or storage life only. Please refer to the product’s original packaging for indication.
14. NO return or refund accepted due to hygiene concerns.
15. Some products may find substances or crystalized of its ingredients which is normal and not a defect or expired. This does not affect the quality of the product. User may shake or stir well before use.
16. For any disputes, our store reserves the final decision.



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